Board Members
Andrew Laddusaw – President
Ray Johnson – Vice President
Carissa Diemidio – Secretary / Treasurer
Board of Directors
Mike Rizzo – Ispirare Coffee
Tateum Space – Kittanning Leader Times
Emma Craven – Emma Craven Photography
Amanda Slagle – Foundation Chiropractic
Kyle Knapp – Viterium LLC
Sandy Bauer – St. Vincent Depaul

Andrew Laddusaw – President
Andrew Laddusaw has been a local State Farm Agent in Downtown Kittanning since he moved to Kittanning in 2011 with his wife Elizabeth. Since then, he has had 4 children, was a part of planting Living Water Church, where he is also a pastor, and in his spare time he operates a Youtube channel and Facebook page to promote Kittanning as ‘The Greatest City in the World’. Through different initiatives and partnerships with organizations like DKI, Downtown Kittanning Revitalization Committee, and Armstrong Habitat for Humanity, he continues to focus on making Kittanning a better place to live, work, and play.

Ray Johnson – Vice President
Ray has been known as our local Santa Claus for many years. To DKI, he is a local business advocate, lover of Kittanning, and an all around helpful individual. We’re lucky to have him in our community and our organization.

Carissa Di Emidio – Secretary
Carissa is the owner of Earthbound Apothecary where she creates all kinds of handcrafted items. She also runs classes for her business and is part of several community organizations and events. She is passionate about bringing local business together and forging partnerships to bring more activity and community to our downtown ecosystem.